2020 was a BIG year for Fifth Crow. Once the season started, it was non-stop until the end of the season! Thank you to everyone who supported us this past year! Here are a few key moments that really defined 2020 for us:
It was our first year using HARVIE! To be honest, it took us about a month to really understand the system but it really has been a key part to our success of this past year. With this new system we were able to support over 600 member and all of there individual needs. Now that shares are completely customizable, you get more of what you want and none of the things you don’t.

If you’ve had the chance to visit a farmers’ market this past year, you already know. But markets have had a very different feel since the start of 2020. For us, the days are more tiresome than ever and for you, the lines have been extra long. We appreciate every single one of you for sticking through it with us. Rain or shine you are right beside us! The highlight of my week is getting to meet you all and see where all this energy that we put into growing food goes.

The Fire:
I really don’t want to focus on this too much because we have a lot to be thankful for. One of those things being that through all of that we still have a farm to come back to. All your messages, donations, thoughts and positive vibes helped more than I can really explain. We only missed on week of markets and one week of CSA! Kind of a miracle when you think about it.

What in store for 2021:
We think we’ve finally got a grasp on the pandemic way of life but we are also looking forward to its end. Even when it’s all said and done, we are going to continue keeping our CSA big! Have you had a chance to sign up? This year we’ve added two new sites, Santa Cruz – Mid Town and a second Hillsborough site! We have started this Farmstand back up again as well until May when the regular season CSA starts back up.
Ever thought working on a farm would be fun? Or maybe you want to be a part of organic farming and learn about all the healthy ways it benefits not only you but the planet? Well, you’re in lucky! We’re always looking for help at Farmers Market and we currently have a few positions open at the farm! Please head to our “Jobs” page if you’re interested in getting involved.