Farmers Markets




We pride ourselves in having the most beautiful produce and stand at our farmers’ markets.  Come visit us sometime…  and ask questions.  There is always someone from the farm at the market, and more often than not one of us Farmers is also there.  We go to great efforts to make sure that you know that there is integrity to what you buy from us- the freshest product possible, no buying and reselling, organic through and through, and complete honesty about our practices and product.


Castro (SF)

March – December, 4:00pm – 8:00pm

Located on Noe Street at Market Street






San Mateo

Year-round, 9:00am  – 1:00pm

Located at the College of San Mateo




Inner Sunset (SF)

Year-round, 9:00am – 1:00pm

Located at 9th Avenue and Irving Street

Clement St. Market (SF)

Year-round, 9:00am-2:00pm

Located at Clement St. between 2nd and 4th Ave.


Palo Alto

Year-round, 9:00am – 1:00pm

Located on California Ave. at El Camino