by fifthcrow | Apr 12, 2017 | Uncategorized
The coast is a-buzz with the sounds of tractors and Fifth Crow is no exception. Sam, our new tractor assistant, started this week. The soil has dried out enough to get out there and do some much needed tractor work (until these new rains appeared). He, Darin, Mike,...
by fifthcrow | Apr 5, 2017 | Uncategorized
CUESA is a nonprofit organization that manages the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market in San Francisco (where we have been seen since last fall selling our produce) and the Jack London Square Farmers Market in Oakland. Founded in 1994, their goal was to educate urban...
by fifthcrow | Mar 29, 2017 | Uncategorized
Our soil finally dried out enough to get out there and work the fields this last week. Mike was able to mow and disc in cover crop in one section of our fields (background of pic with cover crop in foreground) while Darin formed new beds for planting. The crew planted...
by fifthcrow | Mar 22, 2017 | Uncategorized
Our new Poultry Production Manager started last week. Henry (not to be confused with our livestock guardian dog, Henri) drove out all the way from Missouri to work and live at Fifth Crow this season. He has started right in on irrigation repairs, fence mending, and...
by fifthcrow | Mar 15, 2017 | Uncategorized
We have dried out enough (or almost enough) to finally get the tractor out in the fields again. Darin has been mowing, discing, and spading to prep the land to make new beds for our early springs rounds of plantings and sowings. Brassicas will be first priority for...