CSA Registration is now open for 2015

CSA Registration is now open for 2015

We just opened up CSA registration for 2015 beyond members from last season.  Sign up quick if you want eggs!  We have about 10 full- season egg shares left, and the CSA is already 50% full.  Early registrants receive a $25 discount… This year the CSA will start...
First crop of beet seed!

First crop of beet seed!

Last week we harvested our first crop of ‘Forono’ beet seed with the help and tutelage of our self-described “Seed Head in residence”, Steve Peters.  You may remember me mentioning Steve last year.   Formerly from the seed company Seeds of...
CSA final registration deadline approaching!

CSA final registration deadline approaching!

Our CSA is filling up fast. There are about 20 spots left folks! Though we will continue to accept registrations till we’re full, after May 15th we will add a late registration fee of $25. EGG SHARES ARE SOLD OUT. To sign up go to our Registration...