by fifthcrow | Nov 2, 2016 | Uncategorized
Registration for our current CSA season is now officially closed so I can focus on setting up the website for our May-November 2017 registration. I’m hoping to have that up and running by mid-November for everyone. I know a few of you have bought shares as...
by fifthcrow | Oct 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
We’ve reached 200+ CSA members for the first time in Fifth Crow history!! So I’m taking my break and all of a sudden this large brooder comes “floating” by me. If only I could’ve captured the smiles on the crews face as they were carrying...
by fifthcrow | Oct 19, 2016 | Uncategorized
We’ve reached 200 CSA members for the first time in Fifth Crow history!! Rains. Here we are again racing against time to get all the necessary crops in or covered before the rains came last week. We call this rain pressure.. The crew has been working hard trying...
by fifthcrow | Oct 13, 2016 | Uncategorized
Our baby chicks arrived! We raise two separate flocks of about 350 hens at a time. All our hens are heritage breeds: Rhode Island Reds, Americaunas, Black Australorps, Welsummers, and California White Leghorns. Our hens are more than free-range, they are pasture...
by fifthcrow | Oct 6, 2016 | Uncategorized
I can’t believe it has already been nine weeks since I brought up the issue of CSA memberships around the country struggling. (You can refer back to newsletter #11 if you need to remind yourself of the issue and some of the reasons why CSA membership has fallen...