In The Field, Week 20

In The Field, Week 20

Our first rains were expected to arrive this last weekend so it’s been a mad dash to get the dry beans threshed and into covered bins. Rain is not good for dry beans! We also needed to get the shallots inside under cover. They had been pulled from the field...
In The Field, Week 19

In The Field, Week 19

Many of the dry bean varieties have been pulled up in the field. In the past we have planted 2 acres of dry beans and this year we planted 5! Once the plants are pulled they finish drying out on large pieces of landscape cloth. We then thresh, sort and clean mostly by...
In The Field, Week 17

In The Field, Week 17

Our storage onions spent approximately two weeks curing in the fields and then they made their way into a countless number of crates to be brought in from the fields for storage. They were initially brought to pack out mid-week last week and placed on pallets but the...
Exciting News!

Exciting News!

We are now at the Grand Lake Farmers Market in Oakland!!! We’ve made it across the Bay folks! We had our first debut there Saturday September 3rd and you can find us there any Saturday you wish now. The market is open from 9am-2pm if you find yourself in Oakland...
In The Field, Week 16

In The Field, Week 16

Eating seasonally is a lost practice by most of us who are so lucky to live in an area where a huge variety of foods/nutrition are at our finger tips year round but it makes us forget that food has seasons and cycles. Isn’t it a great thing though when you find...