*2020 Year in Review
2020 was a BIG year for Fifth Crow. Once the season started, it was non-stop until the end of the season! Thank you to everyone who supported us this past year! Here are a few key moments that really defined 2020 for us: CSA: It was our first year using HARVIE! To be...
New CSA Pick-up Site
Join us at our new CSA pick-up site in San Carlos this May-November! Located in the heart of downtown on Laurel St. at number5kitchen just off of El Camino Real. Click here to learn more about our CSA program and to register or email with any...
A Word From Your Farmer
Casey Gooding- CSA Coordinator, Olympic Peninsula native, California transplant Hello to all our CSA-ers! You hear from me all the time so what more can I say? Oh right... melons are soon to show up in your shares!! Get ready for melon season folks! We have our...
Birds of Fifth Crow Farm
Olivia is a researcher from WSU who came out twice to survey birds on the farm, once at the end of May & once at the beginning of July. Here are the results... First visit in May: "Thanks for allowing me to survey Fifth Crow today! The farm is a great addition to...
A Word From Your Farmer
Luke Estrella- Farmers Market Lead, CSA Delivery Driver, & lover of all things organic They're red, juicy and sweet. What's there not to like about the sweetest vegetable in the fields? With flavors unlike any other vegetable, beets stand alone. Their sweet earthy...
A Word From Your Farmer
Teresa Kurtak, owner Hi Everyone, sorry for the short newsletter this week. Casey, come home! With Casey gone, we're scrambling a bit and I ran out of daylight to get this done and to you weekend members in a timely manner. What's happening. Well, we're about a...
V-Day at Fifth Crow!
V-Day at Fifth Crow on February 26th! San Mateo County and Puente came through this past week for the Agricultural Worker community 🙂 We all got our first doses of Covid-19 Vaccine. Such a huge relief. We are sooo grateful to all who've been advocating on our...
Farm Updates
It's been awhile since I've been able to update you on what's happening around here at the farm and I apologize about that. We have felt a slow-down here in the recent week or two when it comes to harvest time. The damaging frost we had on Oct. 12th & 13th played...
A Word From Your Farmer
Sam Dawes- Tractor Operator Assistant, Sunset Farmers' Market Lead, Bicycle Commuter Well hey there! My name’s Sam and I’m the tractor operator assistant around these parts. It’s certainly been a busy year for the tractor team, so take your boots off, rest a spell and...
A Word From Your Farmer
Sarah Baylis- Field Production Assistant, CSA Assistant & IPM Strategist Hello CSA members! I am so excited to be writing to you and want to thank you all for your support! I love packing the CSA boxes with Casey every week and getting to see the great variety of...
The Orchard
Since you've got the first of our apples in your CSA box this week what better time than the present to introduce you to our orchard that is home to 28+ varieties of apples... Before Fifth Crow was even an idea John recruited Mike to help select and plant apple trees...
A Word From Your Farmer
Emily Leshner, Flower Production Manager Dear Fifth Crow Farm CSA Members, This is Emily, manager of the Fifth Crow Flower operation, here to update you about what's going on in Flower Land. Things are starting to ramp up here, we are harvesting heaps of our early...
Newest Member to the Pack!
What to report this week? We're planting our first round of outdoor dahlias, hopefully sowing carrots and salad greens, and beets before the predicted rain this Thursday. ... And we've been getting ready to welcome Henri's helpers this week. Our Livestock...
A Word From Your Farmer
Maddie Dragun - Flower Production Assistant, Flower and Pollinator Enthusiast, & Aspiring Farmer Florist Hello CSA-er’s, Super excited to be connecting with you all this week! Although I have not met many of you, I am grateful for all the enthusiasm and support...
A Word From Your Farmer
Jacob Dawes- Harvest Coordinator, Master Cooler Organizer/Food Sorter & Topper of Roots Greetings CSA members! My name is Jacob Dawes and I am the (relatively) new Harvest Manager here at Fifth Crow Farm. It's a pleasure to take a moment to introduce myself to the...
A Word From Your Farmer
Henry Smith- Pastured Poultry Production Manager, Market Lead & Resident Jokester Greetings CSA community! My name's Henry and I work on the pastured poultry side of things on Fifth Crow Farm. I'm writing on behalf of the all-stars of the pastured poultry...
A Word From Your Farmer
Casey Gooding- CSA Coordinator & happily relaxed vacationer Vacation was amazing and I wanted to take a moment to say a special thanks to my much appreciated helper, Sarah, for being willing to train with me for a week and step up as supervisor of the CSA packing...
A Word From Your Farmer
John Vars, Owner/Irrigation Supervisor/Father of Naima As the we transition out of the wettest winter in memory, irrigation becomes as critical as ever on the farm. With so much winter rain, we can be confidant that the perennial creeks which provide our fields with...